Pobyty weekendowe
Podarujcie sobie czas na krótki odpoczynek. Weekendowy pobyt w uzdrowisku ożywi Wasze ciało i myśl.
Polecamy krótki i intensywny relaks podczas pobytu weekendowego w UZDROWISKU TERMALNYM Velké Losiny. Weekendowy pobyt, chociaż to tylko parę dni w tygodniu, przywróci nam nową energię i witalność.

Sleep over with dinner
Accommodation for 2 - 7 nights, half board, free entry to the wellness center.
Come to DIANA Wellness Hotel, dine and sleep. We offer pleasant accommodation in a hotel in Velké Losiny and half board meal. Enjoy excursions in the Jeseníky Mountains.

Sleep and relax
Accommodation for 2 - 7 nights, half board, credit 10 EUR/day for treatments, free entry to the wellness center.
Do you want to relax and want to choose the treatments yourself? We have prepared a relaxing stay, which you create according to your taste. Experience a new treatment every day and enjoy relaxing at Wellness Hotel DIANA Velké Losiny.

Leave it to us
Accommodation for 2 - 7 nights, half board, 3 - 5 treatments, free entry to the wellness center.
Leave it to us and do not worry. Relaxation stay with predetermined treatments. Have a rest in Wellness Hotel DIANA in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains.
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